Who on earth invented pre-booked seats???

An epidemic has tainted the the travel industry over the past 15 years or so. This epidemic is beginning to grind me down. I seem to be spending a large chunk of time in my working day dealing with queries about pre-booked seats or where people are going to be sat on a plane. I […]

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The Delights of Sri Lanka

I Have recently returned from a wonderful holiday in Sri Lanka. This is my 2nd visit to this beautiful country. On my first visit 4 years ago I realised that not only are there paradise beaches, wonderful people and beautiful scenery, but there is so much more to get out and see. Last time I […]

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2017 Was Not A Great Year In Travel

To say that 2017 has had it’s challenges in the travel industry is an understatement. We’ve had to contend with terrorism, airlines going belly up, hurricanes, Brexit which has increased costs due to poor exchange rates and civil unrest. It’s not surprising that some small travel companies without strong financial backing have had to close […]

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When MSC launched it’s flagship vessel, Preziosa in 2013, little did we know about the ambitious plans in the pipeline to double it’s passenger capacity. Their plans were to purchase 11 new-build ships by the year 2026, with first of these, the Meraviglia launched earlier this year. It is a ship like no other and […]

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What really happens below deck at a crew party?

When I go on a cruise I am always blown away by the amazing service I receive & how incredibly hard the staff work. They are working extremely long hours (up to 100 a week is not unheard of), but always have a smile on their faces and are turned out impeccably. Our lovely hard-working […]

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Cruise Ships Return To Hurricane Hit Islands

After the devastation of Hurricane Irma, it seems that after a lot of hard work some of the hardest hit islands – Puerto Rico, St Maarten and St Thomas already have cruise ships visiting again. Puerto Rico  has had Royal Caribbean ships calling there since the first week of October. St Maarten has ships due […]

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New Ships for 2018 – A Round-up.

2018 sees the introduction of 6 new ships to the cruising world. Here’s a brief round-up of what we have in store: Carnival Horizon Launching in April this ship is set to carry 4,000 passengers and id the 2nd in the Vista Class ships after the launch of the Carnival Vista in 2016. Innovative features […]

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Sad News As Monarch Airlines Goes Bust

Monday the 2nd of October 2017 is a sad day with the loss of the UK’s 5th largest airline. It really hits home to me as i was on a Monarch package holiday less than 2 weeks ago., but the CAA have announced that they have ceased trading with immediate effect. The Monarch group, which consists […]

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Cruise lines rally round to help hurricane victims

Hurricane Irma has certainly made her presence felt in the Caribbean. Florida was relatively lucky compared to the devastation that happened on some of the islands such as Barbuda, St Thomas, Anguilla and St Maarten. Most of these destinations rely on tourism as a source of income for their people and with the amount of […]

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Jane McDonald talking Baltics

As someone who either talks or thinks about cruising 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year I tend to watch all the TV programs that involve cruises. I really enjoyed the last series of Cruising With Jane McDonald – apart from the awful cheesy bit at the end where she sings! It’s interesting […]

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