Charlene Goes Global

San Francisco

Im now into serious planning mode for my next holiday! I love a plan and when visiting a city I like to maximise our time whilst we are there.

We have 4 nights in San Francisco before heading to Los Angeles. We are staying in Union Square and plan to spend the afternoon when we arrive local to the hotel.

Our first day we plan on heading over the the Golden Gate Bridge. Its a 1.7 mile walk which will be nice after spending hours sat on a flight! There is an welcome centre with some interesting information that is worth a visit.
Our other option is to hire a bike for the day and cycle accross the bridge and make our way to the Muir Woods National Monument.

Whilst we are in San Francisco the Sonoma Nascar takes place. We have decided to hire a car for the day and drive up to the Petrified forest (around 90 mins away)  From here we are right in the Napa Valley. I am partial to a Californian wine so plan a quick pit stop at a local winery. The Racing starts at 3pm and we will make our way back to San Francisco once its finished.

Our final day we will visit the famous Lombard Street. Down to Pier 39 and Fishermans Wharf. I have heard we need to try the crab and clam chowder in a sough dough bowl. Im sure Charlie will love to see the local colony of Sea Lions. We have then planned an evening visit to Alcatraz.

Next stop LA

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