Caroline's Cruise News

I failed!

Today I took my first driving test and failed!

So here’s what happened, I was doing the new “freestyle” part of the test where you get no instructions but have to follow road sings to a certain destination. So there I am cruising along and the lady behind starts frantically flashing her lights at me, So I’m thinking “no one told me about this bit of the test” and have to ask the instructor the question, err am I doing something wrong? Well he looked as puzzled as me so we pull over (safely of course). He gets out to speak to the lady and she tells him our right wheel is about to fall off! Not really what I wanted to hear but then I think if the car is broken do I get an automatic pass? no such luck. The instructor has a quick look at the wheel and assures the lady it’s merely a lose hub cap and we’re off again.

The remainder of the test was pretty uneventful until we we’re about half a mile from the test centre and approach what is normally a small island. Not today, today half of it is blocked off by road works. So when the instructor asked me to turn right at the Island I got a bit confused as there was no island. I pause and decided surely he can’t mean for me to go around the wrong way and decide to go left. WRONG! I didn’t follow the temporary roads sings and received a serious for hesitating too long.

All in all it was quite an experience but hey at least next time I know what to expect and you know what they say “Second time lucky”

I’ll keep you informed of my progress!

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