Caroline's Cruise News

Fit For Travel? Are You Sure?

Whenever you’re going on holiday there’s the usual checklist, Is your passport in date? Do you have tickets and adequate travel insurance?

However, when was the last time you checked your Vaccinations are up to date?


I’m travelling to South Africa next month so I made an appointment with my local GP for a Travel appointment which I had on Monday.

The last time I had any vaccines was back in 2014 when I lasted visited south and at the time only had to have Hep A & Typhoid. So I was surprised to be told this time I would need six!

I had a combined Diptheria/Tetanus & Polio (lasts for 10 years expired 2017)

Typhoid which only lasts for 3 years

Hep A (As this is the second time I’ve had this so I’m now covered for life!)

Hep B This was the kicker as all the others are free on the NHS and this one cost me £120 (I had one jab on Monday and have to go back for two more over the coming weeks)

I’ve moved to a different area and my new GP didn’t have any of my records, so, it was very lucky that I keep my own travel vaccination card at the back of my passport so could provide all the relevant information. A tip I would recommend for all travellers as you can be refused entry at border control if you can’t prove you have the correct protection.

Often, It seems people only think about vaccinations when travelling to an “exotic country” but the reality is you need to be protected where ever you are in the world be it at home, Europe or further afield.

The funny thing is, I bet most people pay more attention to when their animals are due vaccinations rather than their own.

I hope this acts as a good reminder and I recommend you see your doctor at least 8 weeks before departure as some vaccines have to be taken over a period of time.

Below is a link to the NHS Fit for Travel Website where you will find lots of useful information.












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