Carl's the "New Big" Cruising Thing

Reviews! Should you take any notice?

Today I read an article about how cruise ships aren’t always all they seem. It focused on many ‘negatives’ surrounding a cruise holiday from cleanliness to cabin size etc. So naturally working in the industry and having myself enjoyed this form of holiday for some years it got me thinking about people’s expectations and how these vary massively from person to person.

For me, the article was quite laughable but maybe others feel the points are valid. What do you think?

The first point was saying you might expect to board under beautiful blue skies, directly onto the ship but that in reality, you could expect to be queuing for some time in a tin building resembling an airport with the security measures in place. Personally I would prefer to know security measures are adhered to. I can start my holiday once onboard.

Another said that while you may be lucky to have a stateroom with a large bed and seating area, plus amazing views for many the accommodation was cramped and dingy. The bathrooms were also under fire for being nothing like you would find in a luxury hotel. Again, for me, I have always found them to be perfectly serviceable whilst not necessarily ‘luxury’ unless of course, you choose a suite and after all, it is a ship, not a hotel!

It mentioned relaxing on deck, taking in the sun, but stated, in reality, these areas were overcrowded and anything but relaxing. I would suggest that on most cruise ships you will find an area of quiet if that is what you are looking for. If you prefer music and entertainment around the pool then you should find space too. Most, if not all, cruise lines operate a no return within an hour policy so people can’t simply ‘hog’ loungers for long periods of time if not in use.

Cruise itineraries were criticised with the article suggesting many ports were anything but scenic. Whilst I admit this may be the case for some, often the ports are merely a gateway to explore fantastic places, sometimes only a short distance away.

Finally, it was your expectations of what you might see whilst at sea – yes sometimes the ship will be flanked by dolphins, you might even be lucky enough to see the odd whale. Wildlife really does depend on the location and also luck!

So do Cruise Companies set out to mislead people? I don’t believe they do!


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