The top of my bucket list? The Mighty Mekong

I can’t honestly think of anything I want to do more than a river cruise in the Far East.

The river I am focusing on this week is the mighty Mekong and it’s offerings sailing between Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and Siam Reap, Cambodia.


To see the bustling cities and feel the buzz of witnessing this incredibly diverse river would be an incredible experience and one I truly hope to fulfill in the future, maybe when the kids have moved on : )

At 2,700 miles, the Mekong river is the longest in Southeast Asia. The Upper Mekong rises in China’s Tsinghai province and flows through the eastern part of the Tibet Autonomous Region and Yunnan province. The Lower Mekong forms part of the border between Burma and Laos, and between Laos and Thailand.


Seeing floating villages and markets along the way and jaw dropping temples, including the incredible stone towers in Angkor Wat, billed as one of the trips highlights, and rightly so.  As the largest religious monument in the world, it is a must see; Built in the 12th century, it was abandoned in the 16th. Then in the 19th century it was reclaimed from the forests and has become a national treasure since. Even finding it’s own spot on the countries national flag.


Temple, Angkor Wat.                                                                              Floating Village, Kompong Luong.

There are still parts of the temple that haven’t been cleared of trees, and personally, I think this needs to stay as it is. WOW!!!


The film buffs among us may recognize this as the location where Tomb Raider was filmed, and to think that is real and not a set is just amazing and something not to be missed. Ta Prohm has to be one of the most incredible sights you can visit in the world and I can’t help but picture myself running around, gun in hand, climbing and escaping from the bad guys!! Although I’m sure the other half may leave me there if I live out that dream.

There are plenty of options when cruising the Mekong with regards to companies and itineraries so if this has got you thinking about cruising the Mekong click here for more details and information.



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Hi and welcome to me. I got into the travel industry straight from leaving college in 2003 and have never managed to get out as I have become hypnotized and fallen in love with finding people their dream holidays, especially cruises.  I worked my way up the ranks in the retail travel…

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