Brad’s On Board

Farewell it is then……

As some of you may well know, next August I shall be saying farewell to something that has been with me from birth. My singledom. After 10 lovely years and 2 beautiful daughters, my better half has finally got me to cave in and take the long walk down the aisle. Coming from parents that have managed 5 marriages between them, I had always vowed to do it once, and once only and I am pretty certain a decade-long test drive has definitely convinced me my lovely Loretta is the one to take the very rare title of Mrs Smith.

Having met at college, whilst both studying travel and tourism a rather embarrassing 16 years ago, we started out as really good friends that enjoyed a good laugh and a boogie on student night in town. It took us 6 long years to actually decide to get together after both of us had been in relationships that didn’t quite work out. The rest is as they say history.

We are getting married at a lovely little church that is about a 3-minute walk from our house and having the reception in our garden as we are blessed with a whopper. I just hope the weather in August 2019 is something similar to what we are enjoying at the moment. We were not going to bother having a honeymoon, with us having a seemingly endless amount of expenses at the moment and plus bizarrely we hate being away from our children, in fact, we’ve only spent 8 nights away from them in total since we have been together!! I did stumble across a superb offer with MSC on the Preziosa, which was just too good to turn down and it meant we could take the children and it is in the school holidays. Perfect. (Plus I have never tried MSC so it’s always good for work purposes eh!)

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