Bon Voyage with Bonnie

Haunted at Sea

Halloween is upon us, a day I loved as a kid… Free sweets, best day ever after Christmas!

I recently went to a Halloween party and was taken on a ghost walk, explaining the history and the dark stories of my home town. Okay it was geared towards children but I’m not ashamed to say I was a little scared!

It made me wonder about if any of these amazing cruise ships we go on are … HAUNTED!

After a little bit of research, and a lot of oh my gosh… No way? Never going on that ship then!

The Queen Mary comes out on top on the Ghoul factor, it certainly is a ship you would be screaming for the Ghost-busters if you believe the stories!

Queen Mary

The legend goes after completion in 1936 the ship was the IT ship, Everybody wanted to sail on her Maiden Voyage. During world war 2 the ship was painted Grey and was sent off, she was known at the ‘Grey Ghost’. She was the fastest and largest of any other vessels. After many years of carrying thousands and thousands of service men, the ship returned to being the Queen Mary. In 1965 the ship was purchased and is now in the US permanently moored in Californian as a hotel.

The ship is now used for many ghost walks, there has been many sightings including that of the Lady In White, she apparently likes to hover in the reception area and have a bit of a dance around. Then we have the little girl of the Swimming Pool, she is known as Jackie. She sadly drowned and is heard giggling and spookily wet footprints appear on the floor

Now the Queen Mary is not the only ship…

The Carnival Conquest, a lady was getting ready and admiring herself in the mirror. No one else was in the cabin, no radio or anything and she hear a man sing ‘you look beautiful tonight’ She carried on hearing the same words said again. She ran out of the cabin to find her husband and asked reception to move cabins! FYI avoid cabin 6412 unless you want a compliment from a ghost, in which case go ahead and get booked in!

Is this the room?

Surprisingly they are many stories, many more than I thought. You may think that its all a bit of rubbish but who knows!

Have you been on a cruise and Experienced anything spooky? I would love to hear your stories.

Keep Cruising,

Love Bonnie x

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