Barbara Cruises

Family time – happy & sad!

I love my family to bits and do miss them as I’m in Coventry and they are up North so can’t just pop round for a brew and a catch-up.  I go as often as I can to see my mum who is in a home and stay with my sister for a few days.

You wouldn’t believe we are twins…..

I was off last week so did exactly this and had a lovely time.  As it was just after remembrance Sunday the care home had some entertainment on with a couple singing songs from the war.  It was a lovely afternoon and mum & I really enjoyed it. I chose the right day to go I think.

We joined in wearing Union Jack hats and sang along with the songs.


After seeing mum I headed to my sister’s Janet to see my nephew Connor after school.  I cooked dinner for us as a treat for Janet as doesn’t get to have dinner made for her very often – brownie points for me.

Then Janet & I went out for a couple of drinks which was nice to have a good chat and catch up.  I introduced her to ‘Snapchat’ so we did nothing but giggle in the pub….

The next day I took mum out for lunch as she doesn’t go out very often so thought it would be a nice change.  It was lovely and nice to spend quality time with her.  She won’t remember due to her condition but I will cherish it.

I didn’t get to see my brother this time as he was away on business and as it was just a flying visit this time I didn’t get to see everyone I usually do.  We back for Christmas so will see them next time.

I came home after a couple of days to have some time at home with Adam, my hubby.  As you probably know I love animals and have 1 dog – Patch & 4 cats – Narla (Princess), Stan Lee, Sam & Alfie.  Sam has not been very well for last few months as got diagnosed with Diabetes so has been on treatment but it didn’t really work, he is 14 so didn’t want to start with injections etc so tried an alternative diet.  He has had Asthma for 8 years so need to be careful what he can have, we stopped the steroids and used an inhaler instead.  He was OK for a while but the last few weeks he has gone downhill. We’d already had a chat with the vet about the next step if medication doesn’t work.

We made the decision this week to have him put to sleep as he got really poorly since Tuesday evening so wasn’t fair to keep him alive and in pain.  His back legs suddenly went and he couldn’t get to the litter tray.  It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do but the kindest for him.

I held him on my shoulder – his favourite place and I felt his last heartbeat.  He slipped away over the ‘Rainbow Bridge’ and is now pain-free and at peace.

My pets are like my children and I adore them so it’s really hard to lose a family member whether with 4 legs or 2.

He was the most loving out of my 4 cats and the one who sits on my lap and always wanting cuddles so I will miss this the most as the others are nothing like this – maybe they will now.  I hope so.

He was a character and was always by my side, I could wrap him up at Christmas time and he let me. Here are a few pics of my precious boy….


He loved being in my office whilst I worked.

And snuggles on the couch watching TV.

Rest in Peace little man….

I will miss you loads!

Give your family, human & 4 legged big hugs as you never know what is around the corner.







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