At Sea With Ava

Could you Free-fall from 14,000ft?

Well I didn’t think I could. Until I decided I wanted to tick something of my Bucket List! In November last year I went on a Royal Caribbean Cruise from Asia to Australia and I decided that whilst I was in Australia I would do something new, exciting and yes….a little bit scary!! But the experience was incredible, as you will see and hear in the video below I was very nervous and pretty much had a nervous giggle the entire time. I have also included screen shots from different parts of my skydive.

Sitting on the plane waiting to get to the right altitude…feeling very nervous!!

As you can see…I’m really scared…I literally couldn’t say what thoughts were running through my head!!

I love this shot…it’s like I am Superwoman and I am flying over Earth.

Once you’re looking at this view you forget that you’re still rapidly free falling towards the ground!

The guy actually let me steer the parachute…not sure if that was a good idea…it’s harder than it looks!!

When we were coming into land, we saw whales in the sea, which was amazing.

Back safely on the ground….what an incredible experience!!

If you fancy trying this for yourself you can call me on 0333 300 2658 to get your Cruise to Australia booked. If you’d like some inspiration on cruises click here. Once we have your cruise booked we can plan your Skydive.

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