Anne Cruises

Wellies in June……

Yesterday was the annual “Weldonfest” festival in Corby which is Corby’s answer to Glastonbury. Myself and a group of friends all went along with gazebo, fold up chairs and rather large picnic to tow. Once we had pitched everything it was off to the beer tent and with tokens at £2 each for a drink it was a reasonably priced day out. The beer tents, food stalls and vans were all  manned by volunteers  and  a great job they did too.Over the day there were about 50 bands playing on 2 main stages, a punk tent and an acoustic tent and at £10 a ticket and all proceeds going to local charities it was £10 well spent. In true festival style it wouldnt have been the same if we hadn’t had mud and rain and the great British weather didn’t let us down. As the final band came on the heavens opened and we all got to dance in the rain, I’m glad I wore my wellies!!



At 9pm it was time to pack up and we all headed back to my house to continue the party and by the trail of destruction that I came down to this morning I think a great time was had by all. It was definately one of those “Im never drinking again” moments this morning, well until next weekend anyway when I am going on Ventura for 3 days for one of there short cruise breaks, cant wait!

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