Anne Cruises

Are you gripped again………..

Well it doesnt seem like 5 minutes since the Olympics have ended and now we have the Paralympics. The opening ceremony on the 29th August was as spectaculor as the opening of the Olympics and once again it made me proud to be British. I must say though I am disappointed with the Channel 4 coverage though as Goalball was one of the first events on the opening day and didnt even get a mention. I did a blog a few weeks ago about goalball which is the only paralympic event that does not have an able bodied equivalent and one of team GB’s players (Niall Graham) lives in my home town.

Me with Niall and the Olympic Torch he carried through Corby. ( yes it’s real)

Lets hope that by the time we get to the closing ceromony on 9th September that team GB will be high on the medal list.

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