All Aboard with Eve – Cruise Expert

Easter break with the Races , Footie and lots of Choc !

Well what a lovely treat we have had with this Easter break , Glorious sunshine , plenty of chocolate and lots of family fun, what more could we have asked for !

I had the four days off and so a nice long weekend. Its always a tricky one trying to please all three of my children as they range from 14 , 11 and 4 so all want to do different things. When I asked the boys if they fancied going on an Easter egg hunt as you can imagine they looked at me like I had asked them if they wanted to walk through hot coal !!

In the end my little girl went off to hunt for Easter eggs with her Dad , and I took the boys to the football to watch their team Birmingham City.

I hadn’t been to the footie for the years so was really looking forward to it and it didn’t disappoint.  There was three goals scored within the first ten minutes and the game finished with a very respectable draw. The boys were happy and my daughter had enjoyed her hunt and ice creams so first day down was a success.



On the Saturday we packed up the car with a scrummy picnic , football and tennis bats and headed off to the point to point horse racing just outside Kidderminster. I had never been before so wasn’t sure what to expect.

We arrived and  grabbed our spot for the day on the steep hill that overlooks the race car. Picnic rug out and hamper unpacked we settled in for the races ready to start. Myself and the kids all picked horses based on their fancy names – nothing to with odds and skills you understand !! We only put a little bet on each one and I can report that we won a whopping £3.50 , not enough to retire just yet. But what a fab day out the kids loved it and we were all cheering our horses on in the final furlongs. I really recommend it for a nice day out and something a bit different.

The rest of the Weekend was taken up by family visiting and a wonderful Roast lamb diner with all the trimmings , a must have at Easter for me.

We got to spend some nice time relaxing in the garden and even got the paddling pool out. My daughter wasn’t impressed that it was full of dead flies and spiders after having spent the winter in the garage and went on to scream every time she spotted another bug , shes a bit of a diva and hates any flies or bugs near her !!.

I enjoyed the sunshine , but not as much as my beloved dog Buddy boy  who as you can see is the Ultimate Sun Worshipper and wouldn’t be moved from the sun lounger. I think we need to get him a doggy deck chair !!


I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and enjoyed some quality time with loved ones. Heres to the next bank holiday which is only a short hop away so lets all keep our fingers crossed for some more cracking weather and good times.

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