All Aboard with Eve – Cruise Expert

Bobsledding on the Marco Polo….

Happy New Year to you all , Im back with a bang after having December off. I must admit it was a bit of a shock driving into work this morning!!

In travel, December always tends to be a bit quieter and with having accumulated a lot of holiday I decided to take the month off and do some of the jobs I had been putting off all year.

I gave my house a fresh lick of paint , tided cupboards , de-cluttered the kids bedroom and mainly went out shopping and lunching spending lots of money !!!!

On the 16th December myself and my colleagues all headed off to Bristol to board the Marco polo for our annual Christmas conference. We meet up and have the cruise lines come on board and tell us what’s new and happening with them and great deals and offers that we can pass on back to you guys.

We all work very hard through out the year so as much as its work , work in the day , come the eveing after conference we are all ready to party and let our hair down.

Most years we have a fancy dress and this years theme was movie characters. It was quite  good as it was quite a broad theme and after lots of discussions and googling costumes myself and three other colleagues decided to go as the Jamaican Bob sleigh team out of the film Cool Runnings.

It took some persuasion , especially when the suits arrived and were skin tight !! After a few glasses of vino and some dutch courage we all headed out in our fancy dress in our bob sleigh and hit the dance floor.

Unfortunately for us the sailing from Bristol to Dublin was not kind at all and it ended up being a very rough ride with choppy seas and the sea sickness hit us quite badly.

The Marco Polo is a very small ship and only holds 800 guests so I always knew it would be a little bit choppy but it really was quite bad and after about an hour of trying my best to put a brave face on it I retreated back to my cabin and that was me done for the evening. I was quite proud that I made it out though as some of my colleagues couldn’t even get their fancy dress after of the packaging they were that bad.

Once we arrived in Dublin it was fine and we had a brilliant time there. hired out a bar on the famous Temple Bar street.There was a live band and a singer and a few pints of the black stuff was consumed by us all. It was a brilliant end to the trip and a nice way to finish off the year with my colleagues.

Fast forward now to January and it is time to knuckle down and get to business.

This time of year the cruise lines offer some fantastic offers to entice you to book early and here at cruise we are also offering you great extras such as £1pp low deposits , discounts and exclusive on board credits.

Don’t miss out , give me a call and get your dream cruise booked so you have something nice to look forward to and get you through this long, tough month.

Look out for my next blog where I will give you my review of the Marco Polo.

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