All Aboard with Adrian

What is the history of the ship you are on?

Many people ask about how many people there will be on a ship? But I have never been asked about a ships spiritual side! What history does your cruise ship have? Who sailed on the ship before you? Who slept in the cabin before you? Did they leave, when it was time to disembark! WHHHHOOOOOHHH (said in a scary way to create atmosphere)

I have a quite spiritual side and hope that when I pass to the other side, that there is, another side. I worked on ships for 4 years and had access to the ships log. It was interesting to check, what had been entered in to the ships log during the night. Sometimes it was a banging noise metal on metal that went on all night. Another time there was a cabin door that flung itself open at the same time during the night. People reported seeing white uniforms floating away from them down a corridor and when they followed it they turned a corner and it had gone! I can think of a lot of reasons that these images may appear.

Maybe the all-inclusive drinks and a late night at the casino could have something to do with the reports. But is it just that? If the same reports keep happening. Back to the cabin door that opened by itself. The maintenance team had the lock on one cabin changed multiple times. They ended up changing the door and still the door would open by itself in the night.

Could it, could it, just possibly be paranormal activity?

Now I don’t want anyone to be afraid of cruising because they read this article. That would put me out of work… The parents of a social hostess I knew took some photographs of the senior officers stood up on stage. They got some great photographs except two where there were orbs floating above certain officers. The largest being over Serge the safety officer. We were all talking about this and looked up on google what they were. This is what we found Spirit orbs are balls of energy that show up in some of your photographs. Serge the safety officer and his Orb had so much visible energy on the photo. His orb was the largest I have seen on any photo will always stick in my mind for all positive reasons. He is such a nice guy and clearly has spirits on his side….

Do you have any photos from ships that are strange?

Have you had any strange experiences on a ship? I would love to hear your thoughts 0333 300 2480  or e mail me on Adrian

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