Alana's Cruise Dreams

Engineering Marvel or Monstrosity

I thought the Royal Caribbean Oasis Class ships and the likes of the New P&O Iona were going to be the biggest ships we would see at Sea with Symphony of the Seas topping the shop with a maximum capacity of 6680 passengers and a further 2200 crew.

In her Day Titanic was thought to be about as big as a ship could get, but she carried just 2435 passengers.

However, one company is set to build a Mega-ship. The Freedom Ship Company.  Ships are often described as floating resorts, but this will be more like a Floating City.

The Ship, and I use this term very loosely will have its own airport, Docks for visiting ships and ferries and a fully contained infrastructure with a hospital, Schools, Restaurants, casinos, a library, shops, supermarkets, offices, banks, businesses and recreational and leisure facilities.  A whole community at sea.

Originally the creators of this project were going to develop their own Island in the Turks and Caicos called East Caicos Island but due to a local election, they lost the Island and so the idea for this ship was born.

At just over a Mile long, it will sustain a population of 100,000 people, with 40,000 Residents, Yes residents not guests, as this is a place that people will live and work, whilst still travelling.  She hopes to circumnavigate the globe once every 2 years.

She will have 20,000 full-time crew, approximately 10,000 overnight guests and 30,000 daily visitors.

This will have to be built at sea and will take over 3 years to build. They are currently raising funds from investors and hope to begin work on the project in a little over a year.

How much will it cost, I hear you ask? The answer is a mere $11 Billion.

What will she even look like? Who knows?

What we need to ask ourselves though is not can they do it, but should they?

What impact will this have on the environment? No doubt it will have all the latest technologies to keep things Green, but is that enough.

I am really not sure that life on the Ocean Waves permanently is really for me.  What about you?


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