Alana's Cruise Dreams

All about Sid!

If your Cruise is stopping off at St John’s Newfoundland then you are in for a real treat. This picturesque town is perched on the cliffs

with its beautiful colourful houses.

It has stunning scenery

and friendly, characterful locals.

None more so than Sid.

Who is Sid? I hear you ask or should it be who and what is Sid?

Sid is one of the more unusual locals. He is usually found hanging around on George Street, sometimes in O’Reilly’s Bar, where the patrons like to stoke him and the Barmaid fondly picks him up and puts him out of the door, sending him home!

He is very sociable and loves treats, especially milk!

Sid even has his own facebook page!

It is not really known if he has a proper home to go to, but he seems to be well taken care of by all the residents of this friendly town.

I am assuming by now you will have guessed that Sid is not human but is in fact, a large tabby cat.

Why not check out the Adventures of Sid the Cat on his facebook page

Have you come across any other animal characters on your travels?  I would love to hear about them if you have.


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