You Know You’ve Got A Cruising Addiction When…

A couple from Florida are soon to be the first to celebrate their 100th cruise aboard the same Carnival ship.

The Carnival Sensation has been home to Bernard and Janice Caffary 99 times since 2003. Carnival have revealed that no other customer has ever sailed that many times on the same vessel.

Carnival Cruise Line’s public relations manager Vance Gulliksen said: “They love the ship and they love the staff, and it’s a big part of their lives. It’s a pretty amazing feat. We’re very excited to have them.”

But what has drawn this couple back to the same cruise ship time and time again?

Janice revealed that it is the food and the shows that she enjoys most and the fact that they have the chance to really interact with the crew. She said: “It becomes friendly and warm and family, and it stays with you. We really do like the crew. It’s a family atmosphere. A lot of the crew members call us ‘mom and ‘dad.’ ”

On their last cruise, the couple only exited the ship once – and that was to take a walk along the beach with the ship’s doctor. This close relationship with staff is what has kept them so loyal to the vessel. They revealed that they have even worn badges that say “I give crew hugs.”

The retired couple have previously sailed on 42 other cruises with Carnival branded ships, as well as 40 times on other cruise lines.

However, they say that when they sail on another cruise ship, it doesn’t feel the same. When they board the Sensation: “it feels like we’ve come home and we’ve come back to family.”

In recognition for their loyalty to Carnival Sensation, the cruise line are hosting a VIP ceremony at Port Canaveral for the couple. They will be guests of honour on-board the ship and the ship will air a thank you video to the couple during the reception, and they will be presented with a signed and framed Carnival flag as well as other goodies.

They will even take a photo of the Caffarys with 100 different staff members, each symbolising one of the cruises that the couple has taken on-board the vessel.

Port Canaveral Chief Executive Officer John Walsh said: “our staff strives to provide a pleasant beginning and ending to every cruise from Port Canaveral, and we are pleased that we have been able to provide that experience enough times to sail to the top of the Caffarys’ favourites list.”

The couple have estimated that they have spent at least $117,000 to date on cruises.

They have 24 cruises planned for this year.

Do you know anybody that can beat this? How do you know when your cruising addiction has gone too far? Let us know in the comments below.

Bulletin Editor

Editor and Creative Copywriter of's bulletin blog, bringing you cruise news, tips and guides daily! - Contact: [email protected]

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Bulletin Editor

Editor and Creative Copywriter of's bulletin blog, bringing you cruise news, tips and guides daily! - Contact: [email protected]

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