Venice Elects Pro Cruise Mayor

Venice Elects Pro Cruise Mayor

Luigi Brugnaro won the election in Venice this weekend which spells good news for the cruising industry.

As we reported last week, the election was set to settle the long raging cruise debate over whether mega cruise ships (and even smaller ones for that matter) should be allowed into the city.

Luigi won with a close cut 53% of the vote but it was enough to secure him the title of mayor.

Although the election was about much more than cruise ships, it was an election that the cruise industry has watched nervously, hoping for Luigi’s appointment.

He has said in the past that he understood and supported the significance that the cruise holds for the city. He also opposed plans to build an offshore platform for cruise ships to dock off, so that they would moor far outside of Venice.

Surely this can only be good news for cruisers at the moment!

Are you happy about the news that you will still be able to cruise to venice? Or do you think that the ships should still be banned from the city’s waterways?

Let us know in the comments below…

Bulletin Editor

Editor and Creative Copywriter of's bulletin blog, bringing you cruise news, tips and guides daily! - Contact: [email protected]

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Bulletin Editor

Editor and Creative Copywriter of's bulletin blog, bringing you cruise news, tips and guides daily! - Contact: [email protected]


  1. Angry Venetians Protest Against Cruise Ships With Flares - […] ships, which culminated in an election of a pro cruise mayor. (You can read more about this story here!)…

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