The Weird, Wacky and Wonderful Of The Galapagos Islands

The Weird, Wacky and Wonderful Of The Galapagos Islands

We’ve all seen pictures of the fabulous wildlife and exotic landscape of the Galapagos Islands, but have you ever considered travelling there? The remote islands are 620 miles off the coast of Ecuador and the volcanic scenery protects some of the most startling creatures on earth.

But do you know what else is in the Galapagos, other than the colourful creatures? Do you know what there is to see, and your options of what to visit?

We’ve got all the exclusives here…

The Galapagos’ Wildlife

The Galapagos’ wildlife is some of the most diverse and incredible in the world. Where else in the world can you see the Giant Tortoise roaming wild or the only lizards in the world that can swim? There are so many species that only exist on these islands. We’ll let these pictures speak for themselves…


And The Landscape Is Pretty Impressive Too…



You’ll Have The Place To Yourself… Almost!

Only 5 of the islands are inhabited, meaning that (apart from the other tourists) you’ll have the place to yourself! Apart from the local critters of course…


Something Is Happening All Year Round

It doesn’t matter what time of year you visit, as there will always be something to see. In January, watch the turtles lay their eggs on the beach, in May, the Penguins begin to play, and in June, the humpback whales arrive. In August, the sea lions will be having pups and in November, the Giant tortoises’ eggs begin to hatch. There will always be a hive of activity on the islands!


There’s More Than One Way To Discover The Islands

You can sail around these islands more than one way on a cruise – meaning that you could even go back a second time and see something completely different to what you discovered before! Sail either along the outer or inner ring of the islands as each is a 7-night itinerary. Alternatively – do both back to back!


You Can Go Diving With Friends

Many of the islands offer facilities to learn to dive or snorkel, so you can explore the islands from the water as well as the land…


Walk In Darwin’s Footsteps

Darwin visited the islands when he was just 22 during his 5-year voyage around the world. His visit to the Galapagos Islands was particularly inspiring as he studied hundreds of species of plants and animals, to help prove his theory of evolution which he would publish after 30 years of research. Visiting the islands yourself will allow you to see the wonders that captured his imagination, and understand how these creatures have become so famous.


The Weather

The weather is an average of between 19 and 30 degrees Celsius, so remember your sunblock! The beaches, jungle and exotic climate make it a true tropical paradise.


You Will Travel In Luxury

The cruise ships that sail to Galapagos are the Expedition Series and Silversea Expeditions, meaning that you’d be cruising in top-end, stylish ships. No trip to one of the most intriguing corners of the world would be complete otherwise!

galapagos ships

You’ll Be Exploring With Experts

Any expedition on the islands has to be led by a local certified guide, (as the islands are strictly protected) so that means that you will learn all about the flora and fauna from someone that is genuinely passionate and knowledgeable about their subject. All of this without the tourist mania…


The Animals Are Good With Paparazzi

In fact… they don’t really care about people at all!

seal unafraid

We’ve heard some animals even quite enjoy a selfie or two…

tortoise selfie

And That Even The Airports Are Full Of Wildlife…

Land Iguana on airport

What are your thoughts on the Galapagos Islands? Have you ever seen anywhere else so obscure with such a wide variety of wildlife?

Bulletin Editor

Editor and Creative Copywriter of's bulletin blog, bringing you cruise news, tips and guides daily! - Contact: [email protected]

About The Author

Bulletin Editor

Editor and Creative Copywriter of's bulletin blog, bringing you cruise news, tips and guides daily! - Contact: [email protected]


  1. Seven Of The Freakiest Looking Animals Found In The Galapagos - […] about the weird and wonderful things that the Galapagos has to offer (and if not you can read it…
  2. The Darker Side Of The Galapagos Islands - […] The Weird, Wacky And Wonderful Of The Galapagos Islands […]
  3. How To Fast Track Your Way To The Galapagos - […] You can also read our guide to the spectacular animals found in the Galapagos here. […]

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