Whale watching has always been an incredibly popular excursion for cruisers. If you’re incredibly lucky you might even have seen whales from the top deck of your ship.
But we’ve never seen whales quite like this…
The video below is going viral because of the astonishing footage of whales captured by a drone. It was taken off the coast of Australia near the town of Esperance and shows two whales basking nearby a man on a paddleboard.
The creator of the video, Jamien Hudson, is a specialist in drone photography who ran to the beach as soon as he has heard that whales had been spotted.
He explained how he managed to capture such amazing footage of the whales near the boarder: “It just so happened that he was out at the time, and a few people let me know there were whales on the beach and it all just went from there… They were really curious and came over to meet Dave ”
You can go whale watching on many cruises, particularly in Alaska, South Africa (along the Western Cape), in parts of the Caribbean, Mexico and even in Scotland! You can spot the majestic creatures at different times of year in each but they are most commonly seen in the summer months near their feeding grounds.
Want to know more about cruising around Alaska? Click here!
If you’re interested in going on a Bucket List Cruise where you can see whales for yourself then click here…
What do you think of the video? Have you ever been whale watching? Would you like to go?
Let us know in the comments below!
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