Nine Reasons You Should Always Date A Cruiser

Nine Reasons You Should Always Date A Cruiser

Call us biased but, we at think an appreciation of cruise holidays is one of the biggest things to look for when seeking a significant other. 

It’s not just the obvious shared interests though; it turns out there’s lot’s of reasons it’s a good idea…

They’ll Know All The Best Places To Go

They’ll be used to dodging the crowds and ferreting out the best places to visit in port – It’s a great skill when searching for bars or restaurants in a new town.

They’ll Always Be The Best Dressed Person In The Room 

They’ll be used to looking their best on a cruise so when you’re guaranteed to always turn up with the most well turned out person on your arm.

You Can Borrow Their HUGE Suitcase’s

Their suitcases will need to be enormous (for taking all their formal wear on holiday with them) and best of all they won’t mind lending you them.

 Bad Weather Won’t Faze Them

At some point or another they’ll have hit bad weather on their cruise. After a Force 10 gale a bit of rain isn’t going to stop them having a good time.

They’ll Enjoy The Finer Things In Life 

If they enjoy cruising they’re obviously used to the finer things in life which means you’ll be in for a treat when they treat you.

You’ll Avoid All The Normal Tourist Traps

Relax! They’ll probably have had every tourist trap and scam known to man tried on them at one point or another and they’ll know how to avoid them all.

They’ll Be Very Well-Travelled 

Having travelled the globe they’ll all seem knowledgeable, sophisticated and well-travelled.

You’ll Never Need To Worry About Them In Polite Company

They’ll be more than used to socialising with strangers from different cultures and as such will be charming in any company,

They Might Take You With Them Next Time!

It goes without saying that if you’re dating a cruiser the next time they go they’ll want to bring you!

Bulletin Editor

Editor and Creative Copywriter of's bulletin blog, bringing you cruise news, tips and guides daily! - Contact: [email protected]

About The Author

Bulletin Editor

Editor and Creative Copywriter of's bulletin blog, bringing you cruise news, tips and guides daily! - Contact: [email protected]

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