Ever Wanted To Go On An Adventure With Some Amazing Animals?

Those of you who are familiar with Bucket List Cruising will know that the possibilities are endless, but those of you who aren’t familiar with them are missing out on some dazzling once-in-a-lifetime holiday’s! Haven’t you ever wanted to see a dolphin jumping in front of your ship? Or wanted to go on a fully escorted gorilla tour? Us too! Read on to find out about how you can combine cruising with exclusive animal visits (yes, it really is that great!)


Snow Monkeys in Yudanaka

If you don’t know how cute snow monkeys are, stay right here. On the sixth day of an excursion in Japan you’ll come face to face with these adorable creatures at the Jigokudani Monkey Park before you jet off to Tokyo! As you walk through the snowy forests they’ll climb around you and let you go about your business so you can be relaxed whilst you watch them play and swim in the pool. On this trip you’ll also be able to witness Japan’s magnificent scenery, its volcanic rivers and Nagasaki’s humbling museums. What better way to go about travelling somewhere new and being up close and personal with snow monkeys as they bath in the hot spa (much like we love to do, too!)
snow monkeys

Wildlife at the Canadian Rockies

When else can you cruise and witness grizzly bears and bald eagles on the same holiday? On this trip you can visit the home of a range of creatures: from moose to Canadian ground squirrels, from wolves to endangered harlequin ducks. Now that’s what we call variety! Day 5 takes you to Jasper National Park for this experience of natural attractions where you’re free to explore independently, too. You can continue to discover dramatic scenery on your journey through a 12 minute helicopter ride over the landscape of the Rockies and a half day tour to the natural wonders of Yoho National Park. How could you say no to beautiful scenery combined with big and small creatures!


Big 5 African Safari At Victoria Falls

A bucket list must is the Chobe Safari! Don’t forget your binoculars for day 6 of your trip where you’ll visit one of Africa’s most famous game viewing destinations. Here’s some facts to remember for when you spot the big 5…

1- African Lion. As you might already know, they’re excellent hunters, but very social animals too! So you’re more likely to catch them sleeping as they rest for about 20 hours a day (oh, if only we could too…)
african lion

2- African Elephant. You’ll see the largest mammal in the world on your trip standing over 14 feet tall and 30 feet wide. They live in woodlands, forests and deserts in over 37 countries in Africa and you’ll get to witness them!
african elephant

3- Cape Buffalo. Even compared to lions, Cape Buffalo is said to be Africa’s most dangerous animal! But don’t worry, if left alone they are quite placid. They stand 4-6 feet tall and usually appear in large herds of up to a thousand of them.
cape buffalo

4- African Leopard. Remember to look up when wanting to see these creatures as they use trees as observation platforms and protection. They’re famous for their camoflauge and are intelligent enough to store their fresh kill in a tree to stop it getting poached.

5- Rhino. You might not know (because we didn’t either!) that there are two species of rhino’s and they can be distinguished by their lips. A black rhino has a good lip for grasping things so can strip leaves from bushes; a white rhino has a long, flat lip perfect for grazing. Maybe have a look out for this on your safari!


5 Species at Falkland Islands

On day 13 of your trip to the lost city of Machu Picchu, feel a little close to home with Falkland Islands: a town with an English feel and British food. Don’t get us wrong, we enjoy those home comforts but its greatest attraction is the marine bird species! You’ll get to see five different species of penguins, birds of prey and Albatross. Over 70% of the world’s Black-browed albatross breed round the islands so this is where you need to be for that exclusive look! You can also witness some breathtaking scenery whilst you’re on this trip in a glass cable-car in Rio or the Ecological Jungle Train will take you to the most impressive point of the Igacu Falls.
falkland islands

Bottlenose Dolphins at the Great Barrier Reef

An excursion to Australia will undoubtedly take you to some phenomenal sights and on day 17 you can visit Milford: a fusion of natural features carved by glaciers during the ice ages. You’ll see bottlenose dolphins, fur seals at play in Doubtful Sound, the second largest fiord in Fiordland National Park. It’s home to some abundant wildlife and you may even catch a glimpse at a rare Fiordland Crested Penguin! Once you’ve spotted some of these creatures you can just enjoy your surroundings of the fiord cliff’s and waterfalls that cascade downwards (some as high as 1000 metres!)
bottlenose dolphin

Macaques in Bali

With three days in Bali you’ll have the freedom to come as you please and explore at your own pleasure but you have to visit Ubud Monkey Forest (how could you not!) On day 13 you can visit the sanctuary that’s got three holy temples and about 500 grey-haired and greedy long-tailed Balinese macaques that want you to give them a handout of food (but they’re very cute so they get away with it). Other than visiting the monkeys, you can get involved in the cultural side of Bali with the Barong dance in the Batubulan Village and the Kecak dance: an enchanting, traditional dance and musical drama.

So, there are some of your bucket list destinations with animals you just have to see! Which one is the top of your bucket list? Would you rather a safari in Africa or an exciting visit to the Great Barrier Reef? Let us know in the comments below!




Bulletin Editor

Editor and Creative Copywriter of Cruise.co.uk's bulletin blog, bringing you cruise news, tips and guides daily! - Contact: [email protected]

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Bulletin Editor

Editor and Creative Copywriter of Cruise.co.uk's bulletin blog, bringing you cruise news, tips and guides daily! - Contact: [email protected]


  1. 14 Travel Facts That Will Seriously Impress Your Mates - […] takes you to adventures with animals too, find out more here about the once-in-a-lifetime holidays a ship can take…

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