The Definitive Guide To Witnessing The Most Talked About Event Of The Year

The Definitive Guide To Witnessing The Most Talked About Event Of The Year

The annual solar eclipse is one of those awe-inspiring events you need to be in the right place at the right time for, but with Azamara there’s no way you’ll miss it.

The five star luxury line are officially offering you a cruise with an itinerary to blow you away where you’ll witness the annual solar eclipse in 2019.

An annual solar eclipse is much more rare than a partial solar eclipse- it can only be seen in a narrow corridor across the Earth whereas a partial eclipse is often seen during these events.

The sight can last up to three hours where the lucky travellers will witness the ‘ring of fire’ as beads of light can be seen around the moon’s silhouette.

Guests will begin by flying to Dubai to indulge in a two-night stay at a five star hotel before embarking Azamara Quest for the next leg of your journey; ports of call will then include Doha (Qatar), Sir Bani Yas (UAE), Abu Dhabi (UAE), Muscat (Oman) whilst experiencing Christmas Day at sea!

The solar eclipse will occur on day 13th of the special itinerary before heading to Bombay (India) for a two-night stay in yet another 5 star hotel; guests will return to the UK on day 18.

Azamara guests will have much more to look forward to alongside the fantastic event, such as all inclusive drinks, FREE WiFi in 5 star accommodation, business class flights, chauffeur driven transfers and more…

Read the official itinerary details here with more info on what else is included!






What are your thoughts on this Azamara cruise? Are you desperate to witness the annual solar eclipse? Have you experienced any other incredible moments onboard a cruise? Leave us your comments below!

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Bulletin Editor

Editor and Creative Copywriter of's bulletin blog, bringing you cruise news, tips and guides daily! - Contact: [email protected]

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