9 Fool Proof Ways To Blag Yourself A Free Cruise

9 Fool Proof Ways To Blag Yourself A Free Cruise

We all love ourselves a bargain whether we like to admit it or not, but the ultimate version of this just has to be bagging yourself a free cruise.

There is a way where you wouldn’t have to spend any money to enjoy the luxury of your favourite ship heading to a new and unique destination.

How, you may ask? We’ve got the answers…

Disclaimer: We can’t guarantee that all of these methods will work. Have a go at your own peril!

Don’t See The Lights? A Free Cruise For You!

An amazing offer we often see is Hurtigruten’s free cruise for guests who don’t see the Northern Lights during their trip. Whilst we hope your trip to Norway is filled with the wonder of the Aurora Borealis – if you don’t see them you will be treated to a free cruise to go back and see them at another time. Sounds like a bargain to us…

northern lights

Paint Some Toes

First of all, you could simply work your way towards some free cruises! If you take a job in a cruise ship spa you’ll be able to enjoy a whole season at sea in return for some massages and beauty treatments.

Whilst you won’t be able to get off in all the ports of call, you’ll still be able to enjoy life on the ocean. You’ll have a new found love for the sea and although you will have to stay in crew cabins rather than guest cabins, this privacy might be just what you want.

spa free cruise

Be Best Mates With The CEO

It always helps to have friends in high places, and in this case it really can’t hurt if you have some friends that are top dogs in the cruising industry. We wouldn’t recommend you stalk these people and force them to give you a free cruise, but if you already know them – put in a request for a freebie! If you don’t ask you don’t get, but if you do ask you could be sailing to the Med in no time…

CEO free cruise

Work In The Nursery

Love kids? This one could be just for you. If you have the tolerance (and experience) necessary, you can get yourself a free cruise by looking after children on cruises. Almost all cruise lines offer some kind of kids club, and every one of them needs to be manned by knowledgeable staff.

The bonus is that working in kids clubs will mean that you get to enjoy more fun activities such as teaching kids how to play water basketball rather than cleaning below decks. Only the patient and motivated should apply!

nursery free cruise

Save Up Your Loyalty Points

More seriously, some cruise lines have great rewards programmes. If you are very loyal to one cruise line you can eventually earn yourself a free cruise. Lines such as Azamara will reward extremely loyal customers who have earned enough loyalty points with 10 free nights at sea and Celebrity offer a seven night Caribbean cruise for guests with the highest level of points. So get cruising… and earn yourself a freebie in the process!

Caribbean free cruise

Become A Travel Agent

Our specialist cruise consultants love their jobs. They work very hard finding you the perfect deal and every now and then they may be rewarded with a free one night trip on a ship so that they know all about it and can tell you about its best features.

Dream job you might say ey? Of course you will have to go through lots of vigorous training and work long hours – but the rewards are surely worth it…

David free cruise

Wear A Captain’s Outfit… And Sneak On

If you’ve ever seen the film Catch Me If You Can, you’ll know all about the famous Frank Abagnale who, amongst other things, posed as an airline Pan American World Airways pilot to fly around the world.

Whilst the consequences for Frank weren’t brilliant in the end (and we wouldn’t want you to end up in prison), we can’t say that it wouldn’t be worth a try dressing up as a captain to sneak on-board. Just don’t attempt to actually sail the ship… that could end badly!

captain free cruise

Would you attempt any of these methods to get yourself a free cruise? Have you ever been lucky enough to win one? If you could pick which cruise to win, what would you pick? Which ship, and to which destination? Let us know in the comments below!

Bulletin Editor

Editor and Creative Copywriter of Cruise.co.uk's bulletin blog, bringing you cruise news, tips and guides daily! - Contact: [email protected]

About The Author

Bulletin Editor

Editor and Creative Copywriter of Cruise.co.uk's bulletin blog, bringing you cruise news, tips and guides daily! - Contact: [email protected]


  1. The Cheapest Cruise Of 2016… For Just £59! - […] recently wrote an article (which you can read here) about how you can earn yourself a free cruise, but…
  2. Real Cruisers Advice To Avoiding Cruise Queues - […] 9 Fool Proof Ways To Bag Yourself A Free Cruise There is a way where you wouldn’t have to spend any…

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