24 Of The Most Ridiculous Cruise Complaints We’ve Ever Heard

We must have heard them all over the years, from the genuine to the funny to the just plain “I’m sorry, did you really just say that?”

Please don’t misunderstand us: as great as we all know cruising to be, we’re sure if you made a complaint on-board you’d have a good reason to do so and would never dream of complaining about some of things the people below did.

They’re all genuine complaints we’ve heard over the years though, all made by genuine cruisers and all for genuine reasons (or at least they must have thought so in their own heads!) Enjoy…

24- Did They Not Know Who He Was?

Honeymoon cruise complaint

23- How Very Dare He!

Captain wouldnt wait cruise complaint

22- Isn’t Stalking Illegal?

Gary barlow cruise complaint

21- Seems Fair to Us…

Alaska cruise complaint

20- Bah, Humbug!

Scrooge cruise complaint

19- No One Likes Getting Sea Sick!

sea sick cruise complaint

18- Why Would You Want it To…?

titanic cruise complaint

17- What a Great Idea!

too loud cruise complaint

16- Not With These Shoes, Darling!

Fashion cruise complaint

15- The Photographer Can Only Work With What’s There…

Ugly cruise complaint

14- Just Get A Louder Alarm Clock!

uy an alarm clock cruise complaint

13- Some People Shouldn’t Be Allowed Out On Their Own

Some people need escorting everywhere cruise complaint

12- Remind Us to Avoid That Waterpark

waterpark cruise complaint

11- Who Doesn’t Like a Good Curry?

Curry cruise complaint

10- We’re Sure They’ll Get Right on That For You

sieasta time cruise complaint

9- Well, What Did You Think They Did?

mosquito cruise complaint

8- Actually…We Quite Like This Idea; Outdoors Air-Conditioning!

Air conditioning cruise complaint

7- Eugh, White Sand!!!!

White sand cruise complaint

6- Some People Shouldn’t Be Allowed Out On Their Own (Again)

stupid cruise complaint

5- Well We Like Hairdressers!

hairderesser cruise complaint

4- We Have No Words…

pregnancy cruise complaint

3- Or Just Go To A Different Beach?

stupidest cruise complaints

2- Seems Legit…

stupidest cruise complaints

1- Well You Would Be Startled, Wouldn’t You?

stupidest cruise complaints

We’re sure these people thought they had genuine reasons to complain. Either that or they were just trying it on! What do you think? What’s the funniest complaint you’ve ever heard when you were on holiday? Let us know below…


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Bulletin Editor

Editor and Creative Copywriter of Cruise.co.uk's bulletin blog, bringing you cruise news, tips and guides daily! - Contact: [email protected]

About The Author

Bulletin Editor

Editor and Creative Copywriter of Cruise.co.uk's bulletin blog, bringing you cruise news, tips and guides daily! - Contact: [email protected]


  1. 32 Things That Always Leave Brits Feeling Mildly Miffed On Their Cruise - […] 25 of the stupidest cruise complaints we’ve ever heard […]
  2. Cruise.co.uk reveal the most amusing complaints from cruise ship passengers - […] Cruise.co.uk revealed some of the funniest complaints they have heard over the years, including one… […]
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